Enrichment and Socialization

To ensure that our puppies are ready for their new homes, we utilize early neurological stimulation and follow the Puppy Culture protocol. Our emphasis on enrichment and socialization helps them develop into well-rounded and confident adults.

We utilize the following enrichment methods:

Our approach to pet care encompasses a range of practices aimed at their overall well-being. These include regular nail trimming, early socialization to help them adapt to different environments, teaching them basic commands like sit, gradually familiarizing them with household activities, providing early neurological stimulation for optimal development, and ensuring they have positive interactions with our equines and other pets. Additionally, we prioritize potty and kennel training to instill good habits and maintain a clean-living space.



-Certificate of Health,

-Pre-registration microchip with ID,

-Vaccinations and worming record, 

-Puppy Pack that includes a blanket with littermates and mom's scents.

-We offer 30 days health insurance for your companion pet.

-Please note that AKC registrations are not available for companion pets.



Our puppies are given the necessary vaccinations and undergo a complete comprehensive veterinary check-up before they are sent to their new homes. We conduct health tests on our breeding dogs to ensure that our litters are healthy.



The safety and well-being of our adorable pups is our primary concern, we have put in place a comprehensive video security camera system throughout our residence. This advanced system is designed to cover all the critical areas, including the puppy playroom and nursery, allowing us to closely monitor our pups every day, all day.

Distinguishing, it is important to exercise caution when dealing with fraudulent and unprofessional breeders. One of the signs of their unscrupulousness is the lack of documentation for their dogs, and they also fail to conduct proper health tests and obtain health certificates. Another warning sign is when breeders proceed with breeding without conducting any testing. Fraudulent breeders often speak negatively about other breeders. To safeguard yourself, it is recommended to thoroughly investigate and obtain references before engaging with any breeder.


Lifetime return policy​. 

Vet reference!


Puppies have a complete health check prior of leaving to their new home and are dewormed and immunized accordingly. Below is our vet with a vet Teck.